Cell style in excel

You can quickly format cells by choosing the option of cell style. This option lets you make your costume cell style in the Excel sheet. You select the range of cells.

Step 1: First, select the cell you want to customize. In my case, I selected the cell C3.

active cell

Step 2: In the ribbon on the home page, in the style group choose the style you want.

Cell style


costumize cell

To create a custom cell style you have to perform the following steps.
Step 1: Again you go to the home tab in the style group in the bottom to have a new cell style option.


Step 2: click the new style option. A style dialog box pops up.
Step 3: Enter the name and click the ok, you have many other options like border, Alignment, Font, border, number format, Fill, and Protection of cell style. Simply you unselect the option you do not want.

style dialog box

Step 4: Now on the style group your customized style is present on the first number.


Step 5: Click right on the cell style different options like Delete, Modify, Duplicate, and Add Gallery to the Quick Access Toolbar. The customized cell is saved in the workbook.


Table style

The next option is a Table style in the style group. In the style group, you also create your own customized table style.

Step 1: Click any cell inside the data set.


Step 2: In the style group, click the format as a table option.

Format as table

Remember you can create your costume style. You can create an effect on the table in the table.


You can convert the back to the normal state.

There is a method to unformat the table.

Step 1: First, click the cell inside the table of data.on the Table Design tab, in the tools group. click on the option of convert to Range.

convert to range

Output: A formatted range of cells.


To undo the format table.

Step 2: Click the Ctrl + Z to undo the previous.

Step 3: Again select any cell inside the data of the table.  In the Table Design tab, in the table style group click the first style which is non-formate.

Step 4: click Now Convert to Range option.


Now here is the result.


In this tutorial, we learn how to format cells and tables. We also learned how to un-format tables.

Next, we will learn about Quick Analysis in excel.